Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Supreme Court reflection

One thing that I learned about the Supreme Court was how hard it actually is to get on it. I had no idea that the president chooses who goes onto the Supreme Court and that the chief justice is the one who presides over the impeachment trails for the President of the United States. The biggest take away I took from learning about the Supreme Court was how important it really is and how much work goes into making a decision. I also think it is amazing on how each member on the supreme court will do whatever it takes in order to find justice. It is also really interesting to me on how many cases they get. The video says that they get thousands of petitions for the Supreme Court to look at a case. I think that this demonstrates how important they are. The most surprising thing I learned is what they do in order to make the right decision. When you look at it from a lawyers perspective, there are 9 judges and each judge is asking questions to find out an idea that he or she is pursuing. They will all talk with each other and then find out the right way to pursue the trail and make sure that there is justice in the court room. The video changed the way I thought about the Supreme Court because it shows exactly what goes on inside of the court room and it showed me the amount of work that goes into being on the Supreme Court. The video did this by sitting down and having real conversations with experts of law and other Supreme Court members. 

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