Sunday, December 5, 2021


     After watching these videos, it is clear to me how much I fall into the group that they are talking about. I did not think about how all of social media accounts are just like electronic tattoos. The more I think about it the more it makes sense. Social media does create a story when you look at it. People will draw their assumptions about you and the kind of person that you are just by looking at someone's social media. I am at fault for this too, whenever I look at someone's social media, I assume what kind of person they are based off of their interest that they show on social media. Having these social media outlets like instagram, facebook, twitter, snapchat, etc. and being involved on the apps can come back and haunt you. There has been so many instances nowadays where someone tweeted something out years ago and then when they start to become famous it comes back and they lose their job. It can happen to really anyone, employers at a company check their employees social media so if they were to post something on social media that is inappropriate or something is posted about them, it can lead them to losing their jobs. Being in college now and getting ready to get a well paying job, I have to make sure that I am not posting anything on my social media that is inappropriate or something an employer would see and decide that I am not right for the job. 

   Another thing that was strikes me is how much information about ourselves is online. Our phones basically knows who we are more than we know who we are. Apps like facebook is very guilty of doing this. Like it says in one of the videos, a Face detecting app was bought out by facebook for millions of dollars back in 2012. Facebook and instagram is known to be storing all of your information. Any political things you like, places, products, etc. it is all stored by facebook and then they will market adds or will try to promote things around that thing you like. There have been countless times where I would look something up on my phone or even computer and then somehow I will get ads from products that relate to what it is I looked up. They know everything about you such as your birthday, hobby, favorite sport teams, address, etc. I think that this is absolutely wrong and that the government should put a stop to this. It goes against our rights and I feel that everyone's privacy is totally violated. It is hard to just get rid of these apps because it is really the only way a lot of people stay connected. I feel that the government can pass a law that makes it illegal for major companies to have all of this personal information about people. I feel tha tthe best way for people to protect themselves from having this happen to us, is to just not get or use these apps or products that take our personally information. Or just even limit the usage of using these products. If people become more aware of this problem, it can be solved. 

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