Thursday, November 18, 2021

8 values of Free Expression

I think that the most important value would be the 4th value of free expression which is Self-Actualization. Not only do I think that this is the most important, but I feel that I can relate the most to this. This value states that free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity. It also says that free speech becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy. This is essentially stating how free speech is what makes someone who they are, which I think is 100% true. If you look at other countries where the government controls everything they do, they are not able to do or say the things that interest them. Each one of us as Americans can say whatever it is we want to an extent and have so many opportunities to do the things we love. I know that because I have free speech It allows me to be me. Yet the times where I feel as if I don’t have free speech I know that I am not being myself. A great example of this would be in school. A Lot of times in English class, especially when we talk about politics. I feel as if I need to write in a way that relates and agrees with what the professors' views are. That is not me though. That is why having free speech in every aspect of life in America is so important and that is what the individual self fulfillment is stating. 

I also think that the Marketplace of Ideas by John Milton is very important. It states that truth will always win out. I think that this is very true and very important. It reminds me of what is going on now with the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. There is so much attention to this and that it needs to be done and reviewed the right way. A Lot of people and news sources are trying to create a narrative about Kyle Rittenhouse which I believe to not be true. So if truth always wins, that means that justice will be served one way or another and I think that the truth is going to come out and justice will be served. No matter what the truth always comes out. I look at past cases where there were lies and people feel like they got away with something, yet one way or another the truth always comes out. If you look at the Jefferey Epstein case, he thought that he got away with all of those horrible things that he and others have done and he did for a while. Yet eventually the truth came out and he got caught. When people hide their crimes and think they get away with it, it never works because just like what John Milton suggests, the truth will win out and they will be served justice.

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