Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 Hearing my fellow classmates talk about their certain technology that they studied is very interesting. Each and every one of them has their own different way of doing their presentation. One thing I've noticed is how some people are using flashcards, which I think is a very good idea. I see that it allows you to not look at the screen and just read off the screen. Some people are just looking at their slides and not really interacting with the audience. Yet the one presentation that really stood out to me was was the one on telegraphs. I feel that she gave a great presentation because she was able to explain her product but not really just read of the slides. It was very smooth and she it felt as if she was just having a conversation about the product. I can also tell that there are allot of people, including myself who are anxious right before they speak. Yet when they begin to speak their nerves go away and they start to feel comfortable speaking. It is also amazing to me how these presenters are able to ramble about products that they had just learned about. There was a presentation about CD's where I can count on one hand on how many times he looked at his slide. Each of these presentations are doing a great job keeping the audience interested in what it is they are saying. I feel that I have learned allot about each product and can appreciate how revolutionary each product was to what we experience today. It also makes me think about the products that are coming out now that will impact our lives in the future. 

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