Monday, November 29, 2021

Blog post 5

    After looking at sites like The American Conservative and, I can definitely confirm that I have never seen nor heard about these sites. I like what these sites have to say and it is fascinating to me on how I have never even heard of them. I think that antiwar is a creative resource and very interesting news source because it is not like a traditional news website at all. Antiwar gives so much more information all on one page. It has everything very organized, and you know what you are reading. A Lot of times when you read stories or news from sites, you can tell that it is very biased and opinion based. On this site you know what you are reading is opinion based because you go to viewpoints and you see what writers have to say. They let you know beforehand that it is all opinion based. Another thing that I love about this website is that it has the news sources for all of the information that they get. They are proving to the readers that what they are saying is legit and can give you the records to prove it. You can never find that when you go on the mainstream news sources websites.

    I strongly believe that the reason me and many others have never even heard of these sites is because this goes against the mainstream media's agenda. Those news sources want people to believe whatever it is that they are saying. They want their opinion drilled into your head so you cannot think for yourselves. They want you to rely on their website and not explore others like and The American Conservative. Sites like these allow people to form their own opinion and look at problems within America with a different point of view. Forming your own opinion is something that the mainstream media will always try to convince people not to do. 

Monday, November 22, 2021


Youtube was founded back on February 14th, 005. It was founded by Steve Chen, Chad Hurley and Jawed Karim, who all worked for Paypal. The idea behind youtube was to create a place where ordinary people can share their home videos. It really was a great idea because when they had an official launch on December 15, 2005, they had about 2 million video views each day. People seemed to love it because just over a year later there were about 100 million videos available on the site. Youtube changed the video business forever. Today people go on the site to watch funny videos, their favorite content creators, scary videos, music videos, cooking videos, educational videos etc. Nowadays if you have a phone or a computer, you have been on youtube or know what it is. All throughout my life I have seen youtube grow. I remember watching the early days of youtube as a kid. I remember watching Fred, the Charlie bit my finger video, Key and Peele skits. I also remember watching youtube in school for educational videos. Youtube does not even have its own TV system. Many people have started to get rid of cable in order to get YouTube TV. Youtube changed the way people listen to music. Music artists have some of the most viewed videos ever on youtube. Despacito by Luis Fonsi has 7.5 billion views. Youtube started many trends such as the cinnamon challenge, ghost pepper challenge, last to leave and don’t laugh. On top of all of that it has aloud for many influencers to grow their brand and make a ton of money 

People like Logan and Jake Paul are great examples of people who have utilized youtube perfectly. They recently have run youtube these past few years, both Logan and Jake have over 20 million subscribers. They started off from youtube, but they do not even make most of their money from youtube. They started to create their own merchandise when they started to blow up on youtube. For Logan it was the maverick brand which was named after his pet parrot and for Jake it was team 10 where he got a group of other creators and they made content together in a house. From this they started to not post as much and have matured a bit. Logan continues to make money, has a successful podcast and has made millions of dollars boxing people such as Floyd Mayweather. Jake Paul seems to be more serious about boxing and has an undefeated boxing record. He has made millions just like Logan and is fighting Tommy Fury in an upcoming fight. A final person would be PewDewPie who has over 110 million subscribers. He is a web comedian and a famous streamer. Youtube has changed the way the internet is run and has changed so many people’s lives. I do not see them slowing down any time soon as they are here to stay.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

8 values of Free Expression

I think that the most important value would be the 4th value of free expression which is Self-Actualization. Not only do I think that this is the most important, but I feel that I can relate the most to this. This value states that free speech enables individuals to express themselves and thereby create their own identity. It also says that free speech becomes an aspect of human dignity, human agency and autonomy. This is essentially stating how free speech is what makes someone who they are, which I think is 100% true. If you look at other countries where the government controls everything they do, they are not able to do or say the things that interest them. Each one of us as Americans can say whatever it is we want to an extent and have so many opportunities to do the things we love. I know that because I have free speech It allows me to be me. Yet the times where I feel as if I don’t have free speech I know that I am not being myself. A great example of this would be in school. A Lot of times in English class, especially when we talk about politics. I feel as if I need to write in a way that relates and agrees with what the professors' views are. That is not me though. That is why having free speech in every aspect of life in America is so important and that is what the individual self fulfillment is stating. 

I also think that the Marketplace of Ideas by John Milton is very important. It states that truth will always win out. I think that this is very true and very important. It reminds me of what is going on now with the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. There is so much attention to this and that it needs to be done and reviewed the right way. A Lot of people and news sources are trying to create a narrative about Kyle Rittenhouse which I believe to not be true. So if truth always wins, that means that justice will be served one way or another and I think that the truth is going to come out and justice will be served. No matter what the truth always comes out. I look at past cases where there were lies and people feel like they got away with something, yet one way or another the truth always comes out. If you look at the Jefferey Epstein case, he thought that he got away with all of those horrible things that he and others have done and he did for a while. Yet eventually the truth came out and he got caught. When people hide their crimes and think they get away with it, it never works because just like what John Milton suggests, the truth will win out and they will be served justice.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 Hearing my fellow classmates talk about their certain technology that they studied is very interesting. Each and every one of them has their own different way of doing their presentation. One thing I've noticed is how some people are using flashcards, which I think is a very good idea. I see that it allows you to not look at the screen and just read off the screen. Some people are just looking at their slides and not really interacting with the audience. Yet the one presentation that really stood out to me was was the one on telegraphs. I feel that she gave a great presentation because she was able to explain her product but not really just read of the slides. It was very smooth and she it felt as if she was just having a conversation about the product. I can also tell that there are allot of people, including myself who are anxious right before they speak. Yet when they begin to speak their nerves go away and they start to feel comfortable speaking. It is also amazing to me how these presenters are able to ramble about products that they had just learned about. There was a presentation about CD's where I can count on one hand on how many times he looked at his slide. Each of these presentations are doing a great job keeping the audience interested in what it is they are saying. I feel that I have learned allot about each product and can appreciate how revolutionary each product was to what we experience today. It also makes me think about the products that are coming out now that will impact our lives in the future. 

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Supreme Court reflection

One thing that I learned about the Supreme Court was how hard it actually is to get on it. I had no idea that the president chooses who goes onto the Supreme Court and that the chief justice is the one who presides over the impeachment trails for the President of the United States. The biggest take away I took from learning about the Supreme Court was how important it really is and how much work goes into making a decision. I also think it is amazing on how each member on the supreme court will do whatever it takes in order to find justice. It is also really interesting to me on how many cases they get. The video says that they get thousands of petitions for the Supreme Court to look at a case. I think that this demonstrates how important they are. The most surprising thing I learned is what they do in order to make the right decision. When you look at it from a lawyers perspective, there are 9 judges and each judge is asking questions to find out an idea that he or she is pursuing. They will all talk with each other and then find out the right way to pursue the trail and make sure that there is justice in the court room. The video changed the way I thought about the Supreme Court because it shows exactly what goes on inside of the court room and it showed me the amount of work that goes into being on the Supreme Court. The video did this by sitting down and having real conversations with experts of law and other Supreme Court members. 

Monday, November 1, 2021

5 News sources

    The news source that I seem to find myself on frequently would be Instagram. I tend to allot of time be scrolling through instagram throughout the day and I just happen to see anytime there is breaking news. It is not only world news or politics, most of my feed is sports accounts. So allot of times when I want to know information or any news about my favorite sports teams I would just go on instagram and there is already a post about the team. A perfect example was when my favorite baseball team the New York Mets had just signed all star short stop Fransisco Lindor. I got a text from a friend of mine and he said that we signed him. So I immediately went to instagram and there was already 4 post about it. I would say instagram is definitely the most frequent news source that I use. I would recommend using instagram as anews source because it will give you the information you need to know quick and easy. With that being said I would 
    Another good news source that I use is the Apple News on the iPhone. Apple news is not really something that I go on every day and look at. I do get allot of notifications from them throughout the day so I sometimes find myself seeing an intriguing headline and then clicking on the story and reading it. I would suggest apple news because it directs you to certain stories and coverage from other news site. Apple news also has allot more features compared to other news sources. It has an audio feature where you can listen to stories, and envision the news. It also has a category list where you can choose what type of news do you wanna read or watch. 
    I also like Fox News as a news source because I feel that it gives you the important information that really matter. Like all major news outlets nowadays fox news is biased, but at the same time I believe what they say is more intriguing and interesting than most other news outlets. I would recommend it because of certain shows such as Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. These shows are really intriguing to me because they have really interesting takes on certain situations and they bring up points that I would not really think of. 
    The New York Post is another news outlet that comes to mind. The New York Post is something that I have been reading and looking at ever since I was a kid. The Post has all the news that I really care about. It has sports in the back and the most important stories and issues in the front. One thing that always draws me to the Post is its front covers. They always have a funny quote or headline that always makes me wanna read what they have to say. I would recommend this because the post offers a large variety of news categories and stories that many people would enjoy. 
    The final news source that I like is Google News. I tend to use google news when I am on my computer and I just need a break or i am simply just bored. Google news shows you the top stories and what is trending right now. It is allot like apple news, but I think that offers more coverage and displays more stories. I like google news because it does not really show bias to any party and it just gives you the information that is being put out from other major news outlets. I would recommend this to people because it is the perfect place to go when you just want a quick update about whats going on with the world and it is not overwhelming when you read their articles. 

Final Blog post

    Times have changed immensely since humans first walked this earth. It has always been unknown what the future holds, and mankind has co...