Monday, December 6, 2021

EOTO #2 others presentation

       I learned alot from Elijah's presentation on mainstream media. He talked alot about media consolidations. We went from 40 companies to just 6 companies within the past 30 years. I did not even realize that this was happening, since there are so many different networks and shows. Yet the more I look into it and the more I think about it, really everything is owned by those big six companies. Basically everything that we see or watch is what these billionaires want. I do not like this because if they control what we watch, they can control what we think. I found it interesting that 57% of Americans get it. their news from television, 25% from radio and 20% from newspapers. I also did not know that Disney owns ABC news, ESPN, A&E, The History channel and Lifetime etc. It seems that it is all about investors and the money. Now you would never actually go against disney.  Netflix used to just be a service that rented movies and shows, they then realized that they could make real good money off of it so they decided to make their own movies and shows. This is called vertical integration. I find all of this to be so interesting because I am someone who falls for their tricks. I own disney plus and I watch all of these networks that my classmates are talking about. I also found Holland's presentation in newspapers very interesting as well. She talked about how local news is important because of how it keeps you involved in the community. This made me realize how I have lost touch with my community back home. I remember as a kid I used to always read local news with my father before school. I do not think I have or even watched anything that has happened with my local area in years. 

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