Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Diffusion of theory

    Diffusion theory deals with the spread of an innovation throughout a populations.  In this chart below you can see how it researchers have created an analytical model that explains the diffusion of an innovation. There are many examples of this. Such as Facebook, Twitter, Computer, Television, Radio, etc. The diffusion theory gives a clear explanation on how innovations become popular. 

     I could see the diffusion theory very present when I talked about the innovation of youtube. At the time youtube was created there was no real way for people to have a platform for their own home videos. Really the only way that people would see home videos was if it were to be sent into a television show or you would just show your friends and family, yet there was no place for everyone to see. I think that is why so many people became early adopters, it finally gave people a place to show off any funny or informational videos. People love getting attention and this was finally a place where they could get it. Many people then became late adopters because they then saw the success of other people. For example, the people who started to create content on youtube such as Fred, Shane Dawson, and Ryan Higa became very popular and started to generate allot of wealth, many people began to follow their lead. People such as the Paul brothers, the Faze Clan, PewDeaPie, KSI, Mr. Beast, etc. All of these people saw what they could do on youtube and took advantage of it. 

    Yet with this technology there are most definitely negative affects. Allot of times of negative does come out of youtube. It misinforms allot of people almost everyday. Most of YouTube viewership are younger kids who will believe anything they see online. It seems to happen allot where they click on youtube video that is complete nonsense, yet they believe everything that is said. It is not good to be on youtube for so long because you can start to become very reliant on youtube for entertainment and then your production in your daily life will go down. Although youtube has allot of interesting and fun creators and videos, there are also bad videos that are not appropriate for people, especially young people. Youtube does age restrict videos, yet it is very easy to get around these restrictions and watch videos that are inappropriate. With that being said, I do not believe that someone refusing to use youtube would benefit from that decision. I truly believe that the positives outweigh the bad. I say that because youtube has allot of informational videos that will help you with every day life. There are many educational videos for students, or videos for people who are at home doing a project, fixing up the house or trying to cook a meal, they have videos for everyone.  If you use youtube in variations, it can be very beneficial for allot of people. 


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